Udemy Python GUI Development with PyQt6 Qt Designer
6.36 GB | 00:20:17 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
001 Course Introduction (6.59 MB)
002 Section Introduction (8.07 MB)
003 PyQt Introduction (25.4 MB)
004 PyQt6 Installation & First GUI Window (38.03 MB)
005 PyQt6 Window Type Classes (13.58 MB)
006 Adding Icon & Title to PyQt6 GUI Window (16.37 MB)
007 Introduction to Qt Designer (16.45 MB)
008 Convert Qt Designer UI File to PY File (11.85 MB)
009 Loading Qt Designer UI File (5.18 MB)
001 PartTwo (580.71 KB)
001 Section Introduction (1.44 MB)
002 Creating QLabel in PyQt6 (25.25 MB)
003 Working with QPushButton (25.53 MB)
004 Creating QLineEdit in PyQt6 (10.15 MB)
005 Layout Management QHBoxLayout (12.37 MB)
006 Layout Management QVBoxLayout (11.97 MB)
007 Layout Management QGridLayout (11.25 MB)
008 PyQt6 Event Handling (Signal and Slots) (15.98 MB)
009 Event Handling with Qt Designer (45.02 MB)
010 Simple Calculator with Qt Designer (120.94 MB)
011 images (543.71 KB)
011 QRadioButton in PyQt6 (38.3 MB)
012 QRadioButton with Qt Designer in PyQt6 (45.62 MB)
013 Grouping QRadioButton with Qt Designer (82.28 MB)
014 images (543.71 KB)
014 Working with QCheckBox in PyQt6 (35.3 MB)
015 QCheckBox with Qt Designer in PyQt6 (54.28 MB)
016 Creating QSpinBox in PyQt6 (20.43 MB)
017 QDoubleSpinBox with Qt Designer (69 MB)
018 QSpinBox EditingFinished Signal (65.12 MB)
019 Showing System Clock with QLCDNumber (16.67 MB)
020 Random Generator App with QLCDNumber (33.35 MB)
021 Working with QComboBox Class (51.33 MB)
022 QComboBox with Qt Designer (37.03 MB)
023 Signal and Slots with Qt Designer (6.19 MB)
024 Creating QSlider in PyQt6 (26.14 MB)
025 QSlider with Qt Designer (30.05 MB)
026 Creating QListWidget in PyQt6 (22.84 MB)
027 QListWidget with Qt Designer (35.43 MB)
028 Adding Items to QListWidget in Qt Designer (32.8 MB)
029 QListWidget CRUD with Qt Designer (110.73 MB)
030 QFontComboBox in PyQt6 (39.81 MB)
031 QTableWidget in PyQt6 (12.97 MB)
032 QTableWidget with Qt Designer (8.16 MB)
033 QCalendarWidget with PyQt6 (13.91 MB)
034 QCalendarWidget with Qt Designer (60 MB)
035 QInputDialog in PyQt6 (41.51 MB)
036 QColorDialog in PyQt6 (21.99 MB)
037 QFontDialog in PyQt6 (15.68 MB)
038 QMessageBox in PyQt6 (39.07 MB)
001 Introduction to QTreeView (26.32 MB)
002 QTreeView Drag & Drop (26.84 MB)
003 QTreeView QFileSystemModel Update (79.68 MB)
004 QTableWidget Customization (33.52 MB)
005 QTableWidget Advanced Manipulation (40.64 MB)
006 QTableWidget Clipboard Operations (155.76 MB)
007 Styling & Theming with Qt Stylesheet (13.42 MB)
008 Advance Styling (16.89 MB)
009 Drag and Drop (57.56 MB)
001 Dynamic Layout with QSpacerItem (19.17 MB)
002 Responsive Layouts with Stretch Factor (9.63 MB)
003 Nested Layout (17.91 MB)
004 PyQt6 QStacked Layout (40.45 MB)
005 PyQt6 QSplitter (6.79 MB)
006 PyQt6 QFormLayout (8.7 MB)
001 Introduction to Event Handling (37.81 MB)
002 PyQt6 Custom Event (55.86 MB)
003 Event Propagation in PyQt6 (39.14 MB)
004 Handling Mouse Events in PyQt6 (32.56 MB)
005 Handling Keyboard Event (17.88 MB)
006 Timers and Delayed Events in PyQt6 (23.34 MB)
001 Section Introduction (4.9 MB)
002 Menubar and Menu Items for Notepad Application (27.42 MB)
003 Adding Icons to Menu Items (104.73 MB)
004 Separating GUI File (25 MB)
005 Saving the File (8.16 MB)
006 Working on New Functionality (16.6 MB)
007 Working on Open Menu Item (5.56 MB)
008 Creating Print Functionality (8.16 MB)
009 Creating Print Preview Functionality (9.85 MB)
010 Exporting File as PDF (30.06 MB)
011 Working on Quite (4.89 MB)
012 Working on Edit Menu (21.34 MB)
013 Italic, Bold and Underline Functionality (13.58 MB)
014 Left, Right and Center Functionality (23.23 MB)
015 Font and Color Dialog (22.87 MB)
015 PartThree (26.86 KB)
001 PartFour (9.55 KB)
001 Section Introduction (1010.65 KB)
002 MySQL Database Connection in PyQt6 (98.07 MB)
003 Inserting Data to MySQL Database (63.01 MB)
004 Selecting Data in QTableWidget (82.17 MB)
005 Searching Data From MySQL Database (86.81 MB)
006 Simple Login with MySQL & PyQt6 (36.96 MB)
001 Introduction to QSqlDatabase (25.23 MB)
002 QSqlDatabase Create Table (14.51 MB)
003 QSqlDatabase Insert Data (54.13 MB)
004 QSqlDatabase Select Data (21.4 MB)
005 QSqlDatabase Update Data (105.71 MB)
006 QSqlDatabase Filtering and Sorting (50.54 MB)
007 QSqlDatabase Transaction Management (26.74 MB)
001 PartFive (16.57 KB)
001 Section Introduction (1004.95 KB)
002 Drawing Rectangle with QPainter (24.84 MB)
003 Drawing Ellipse with QPainter Class (10.84 MB)
004 Drawing Text with QPainter (15.35 MB)
005 QLinearGradient in PyQt6 (12.51 MB)
006 QRadialGradient in PyQt6 (14.77 MB)
007 QConicalGRadient in PyQt6 (8.44 MB)
008 Mouse Events in QPainter Class (9.48 MB)
009 mousePress and mouseRelease Events (32.64 MB)
010 Drawing Point with Click (13.05 MB)
011 Drawing Line By Click (12.06 MB)
012 Drawing Circle By Click (15.94 MB)
013 Drawing Rectangle with Click (15.12 MB)
014 Drawing Text By Clicking (22.96 MB)
015 QGraphicsView & QGraphicsScene (17.8 MB)
016 QGraphicsRectItem in PyQt6 (8.28 MB)
017 Handling Key Press Event (16.71 MB)
001 Introduction to Network Programming in PyQt6 (110.91 MB)
001 UpdateFour (2.99 KB)
002 Handling Network Requests with PyQt6 REST APIs (46.81 MB)
003 Working with JSON Data in PyQt6 Networking (30.03 MB)
001 Section Introduction (7.09 MB)
002 Creating GUI Window in QtQuick (11.82 MB)
003 Creating Button & Handling Event (14.42 MB)
004 Row and Column in QtQuick (7.51 MB)
005 Creating Label & Handling Events (8.58 MB)
006 Creating CheckBox (4.9 MB)
007 Creating ComboBox in QtQuick (8.11 MB)
008 Creating MenuBar (5.97 MB)
009 Creating SpinBox (7.64 MB)
010 Creating Slider (5.56 MB)
011 Creating ScrollView (4.01 MB)
012 PartSix (3.63 KB)
012 Switch Button in QtQuick (3.84 MB)
001 PartSeven (13.61 KB)
001 Section Introduction (815.44 KB)
002 Creating LineChart or QLineSeries (47.32 MB)
003 Creating PieChart or QPieSeries (15.59 MB)
004 Creating BarChart or QBarSeries (11.53 MB)
005 Creating QStackedBarSeries (24.79 MB)
006 LineChart and BarChart (14.46 MB)
007 Creating DonutChart (12.15 MB)
008 LineChart with QtQuick (38.91 MB)
009 BarChart with QtQuick (8.83 MB)
010 StackedBarChart in QtQuick (3.75 MB)
011 PieSeries with QtQuick (6.32 MB)
012 ScatterChart with QtQuick (6.43 MB)
001 Section Introduction (4.77 MB)
002 Main Design with Qt Designer (18.59 MB)
003 Issue Book Design (29.79 MB)
004 Renew or Submission Book Design (20.1 MB)
005 Convert UI Design to PY File (40.84 MB)
006 Add Book Design with Qt Designer (52.96 MB)
007 Inserting Books to MySQL Database (93.02 MB)
008 Add Member Design with Qt Designer (44.12 MB)
009 Inserting Members in MySQL Database (62.23 MB)
010 View Books Design with Qt Designer (42.09 MB)
011 Getting Books from MySQL Database (28.68 MB)
012 View Members Design with Qt Designer (25.9 MB)
013 Getting Members from MySQL Database (28.88 MB)
014 Issue Book Part One (17.93 MB)
015 Issue Book Part Two (19.06 MB)
016 Issue Book Part Three (29.7 MB)
017 Loading Issued Books from Database (27.39 MB)
018 Working on Submit Book (45.32 MB)
019 PartEight (50.09 KB)
019 Working on Renew Book (47.63 MB)
001 PartNine (154.87 KB)
001 Section Introduction (1.21 MB)
002 Creating MediaPlayer with QtMultiMedia (149.52 MB)
003 Required Codec for QtMultiMedia (1.93 MB)
004 Convert PY File to EXE File (13.01 MB)
005 Packaging & Creating Installer for Media Player (11.82 MB)
006 Creating Web Browser with PyQtWebEngine (123.12 MB)
006 WebBrowser (23.94 KB)
001 Creating Simple Media Player in PyQt6 (83.67 MB)
002 Creating Simple Web Browser in PyQt6 (10.31 MB)
002 PartTen (24.84 KB)
001 Introduction to QThread Class in PyQt6 (31.38 MB)
002 Synchronizing Threads with PyQt6 Signals and Slots (98.54 MB)
003 Asynchronous Programming with QRunnable and QThreadPool (71.39 MB)
001 Introduction and Installation (30.28 MB)
002 Creating Line Graph (19.52 MB)
003 Creating Bar Graph (20.59 MB)
004 Creating Dynamic Line Graph (37.56 MB)
005 Creating Scatter Plot (16.38 MB)
006 Add Legend to Graph (14.4 MB)
007 Updating Graph (24.66 MB)
001 Section Introduction (1.71 MB)
002 AWS Introduction & Creating Account (31.24 MB)
003 Introduction to Amazon RDS (10.9 MB)
004 Creating MySQL Database Instance in Amazon RDS (26.13 MB)
005 Amazon RDS Charges (31.45 MB)
006 CRUD Operation with MySQL DB Instance (40.69 MB)
007 Create AWS RDS MySQL (139.75 MB)
008 Insert Data (70.54 MB)
008 PartTwelve (3.83 KB)
001 1 window (691 B)
001 QtQuick Introduction (33.1 MB)
002 2 rect (573 B)
002 Rectangle Element (14.2 MB)
003 3 text (470 B)
003 Text Element (6.05 MB)
004 4 image (67.56 KB)
004 Image Element (4.2 MB)
005 5 mousearea (576 B)
005 MouseArea Example (7.62 MB)
006 6 mouseareasecond (699 B)
006 MouseArea Second Example (9.04 MB)
007 7 textinput (552 B)
007 TextInput Element (9.44 MB)
008 8 positioning (546 B)
008 Element Positioning (15.01 MB)
009 9 anchors (568 B)
009 Anchors (10.11 MB)
010 10 textfield (634 B)
010 Input Elements (17.63 MB)
011 11 KeyElement (544 B)
011 Key Elements (6.62 MB)
012 12 components (1.4 KB)
012 QtQuick Components (20.78 MB)
013 13 shape (182.3 KB)
013 QtQuick Transformation (7.86 MB)
001 1 window (775 B)
001 QtQuick Controls Introduction (26.39 MB)
002 2 button (620 B)
002 QtQuick Controls Button (14.12 MB)
003 3 signal (733 B)
003 Buttons Signals (9.76 MB)
004 4 checkbox (610 B)
004 QtQuick Controls CheckBox (28.77 MB)
005 5 slider (759 B)
005 QtQuick Control Slider (38.6 MB)
006 6 popup (67.72 KB)
006 Popup In QtQuick Controls (11.7 MB)
007 7 progressbar (670 B)
007 ProgressBar in QtQuick Controls (6.67 MB)
008 8 overlay (657 B)
008 Overlay in QtQuick Controls (10.04 MB)
009 9 busyindicator (487 B)
009 BusyIndicator in QtQuick Controls (1.93 MB)
010 10 dialogbutton (535 B)
010 DialogButton in QtQuick Controls (7.05 MB)
011 11 textfield (603 B)
011 TextField in QtQuick Controls (6.18 MB)
012 12 tabbutton (552 B)
012 TabButton in QtQuick Controls (4.59 MB)
013 13 tabbar (564 B)
013 TabBar in QtQuick Controls (13 MB)
014 14 drawer (642 B)
014 Drawer Example in QtQuick Controls (9.76 MB)
015 15 swipeview (647 B)
015 SwipeView in QtQuick Controls (9.34 MB)
016 16 stackview (616 B)
016 StackView in QtQuick Controls (8.38 MB)
017 17 frame (504 B)
017 Frame Example (2.82 MB)
018 18 contextmenu (612 B)
018 ContextMenu in QtQuick Controls (5.55 MB)
019 19 popmenu (542 B)
019 PopupMenu in QtQuick Controls (3.45 MB)
020 20 tooltip (559 B)
020 Tooltip in QtQuick Controls (6.74 MB)
001 1 PlayAudio (24.26 MB)
001 Play Audio in QtQuick MultiMedia (15.53 MB)
002 2 PlayVideo (4.3 MB)
002 Play Video in QtQuick MultiMedia (12.08 MB)
003 3 MediaPlayer (4.3 MB)
003 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Adding Volume Slider (15.95 MB)
004 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Adding Seekable Slider (42.4 MB)
005 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Play & Pause Buttons (21.45 MB)
001 1 basicscene (804 B)
001 Creating 3D Scene (15.53 MB)
002 2 addmodel (720 B)
002 Add Model to Scene (18.96 MB)
001 1 colorsequential (878 B)
001 Color SequentialAnimation in QtQuick (8.14 MB)
002 2 opacitysequential (607 B)
002 Opacity SequentialAnimation in QtQuick (6.71 MB)
003 3 stateanimation (682 B)
003 QtQuick State Animation (44.17 MB)
004 4 guianimation (620 B)
004 GUI Animation with QtQuick (9.23 MB)
001 Update to PyQt6 4 (7.66 MB)
002 Design for Text to Speech (46.01 MB)
003 18 PyQt6 4-Release-with-QtTextToSpeech (2.18 KB)
003 QTextToSpeech in PyQt6 (27.92 MB)
001 QtPdf Module Introduction (4.63 MB)
002 QtPdf Module Example (20.56 MB)

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